The 45th Annual Meeting of the Working Group Phytobacteriology will take place on September 17 - 18, 2024 at the University of Hohenheim.

Dr. Jan Nechwatal
Arbeitsgruppenleiter IPS 2b
Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (LfL)
Institut für Pflanzenschutz (IPS 2b) - Bakteriologie
Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture
Institute for Plant Protection (IPS 2b) - Bacteriology
Lange Point 10
85354 Freising

Uwe Lange
Thüringer Landesamt für Landwirtschaft und Ländlichen Raum
Referat 23 | Pflanzenschutz und Saatgut
Naumburger Straße 98
07743 Jena

  • Presenting current research projects and results in lectures and poster sessions
  • Debating current plant cultivation problems caused by phytobacteria
  • Drafting potential solutions to prevent phytobacterial-related problems
  • Diagnosis, taxonomy, conventional and genetic methods of diagnosis (DNA-hybridization, PCR, PGFL, etc.)
  • Aetiology, symptomatology
  • Epidemiology, prognosis incl. development of prediction models
  • Resistance, virulence and its underlying mechanisms
  • Host-parasite-interactions with their physiological-biochemical as well as genetic causes
  • Control: chemical and biological control measures like disinfection methods
  • Bacterial problems in developing countries

The annual meeting of the working group “Phyobacteriology” in September has, since its start in 1980, become a tradition of its own. The group is comprised of about 50 interested colleagues with practical (plant protection services) and academic and scientific (universities, research institutes) backgrounds. In addition, scientists from various European countries and interns from developing countries regularly participate in our meetings.