The 35th annual meeting of the Working Group Crop Pests will be in 2025

Dr. Stefan Krüssel
Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen
Pflanzenschutzamt- S achgebiet 3.7.3 Zoologie
Wunstorfer Landstraße 9
30453 Hannover

Dr. Jörn Lehmhus
Institut für Pflanzenschutz in Ackerbau und Grünland
Julius Kühn-InstitutMesseweg 11-12
38104 Braunschweig

  • Finding answers to questions of planning, method, and analysis of experiments dealing with plant protection remedies against crop pests
  • Promoting scientific work by presenting new procedures and methods to minimize the output of herbicides and pesticides
  • Discussing current topics of integrated plant protection systems
  • Cooperation with working groups of related thematic topics
  • Pests as a cause for crop quality deficiencies
  • Symptomatology and diagnosis of crop pests
  • Strategies of infestation reduction in the field
  • Evolution of pest populations in times of climatic change
  • Pesticide resistance of pathogens
  • Economic relevance of protection strategies

Our working goup cooperates with representatives of the Julius Kühn-Institute, State plant protection agencies, industries, and universities.