At its meeting on July 10, 2024, the DPG Executive Board agreed to the request of the working groups to combine the “Mycology” and “Host-Parasite Interaction” working groups, which traditionally meet together, and rename them “Plant-Microbe Interactions”. More information on page 5 of Phytomedizin 03/2024.
Thus, the 1st Annual Meeting of the Working Group Plant-Microbe Interactions will take place on March 13 and 14, 2025 at the Department of Biology of the University of Kaiserslautern (RPTU).
Prof. Dr. Gunther Döhlemann
The Terrestrial Microbiology Lab
CEPLAS & Institute for Plant Sciences
Universität Köln
Zülpicher Straße 47a
50674 Köln
Dr. rer. nat., apl. Professor Ulrich Schaffrath
Lehrstuhl und Institut für Biologie III (Pflanzenphysiologie)
Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Biochemie und Molekularbiologie der Pflanzen
Worringerweg 1
52056 Aachen
- Discussing the physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology of interactions between phytopathogenic organisms and their plant hosts
- Understanding the biology of host-parasite-relationships on the levels of physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology
- Identification of molecular targets in order to control phytopathogenic organisms
Mail Topics
- Mechanisms of resistance
- Factors of virulence and pathogenity
- Specifics of hosts
- Molecular cytology
Combining different methods in researching host-parasite-interactions has led to significant progress in recent years. Numerous virulence factors and first pathogenic factors of fungi and bacteria have been characterized, and mechanisms used by plants to detect pathogens have been identified. Various targeted defensive reactions that can be activated deliberately by plants, are known by now. With the help of transgenic plants it is not only possible to study the function of particular defense substances, but also to implement new resistance mechanisms into plants. Such strategies can become essential components of modern plant protection.
For years now we’ve been cooperating closely with the DPG-working group “Mycology”.