The partners of the DPG
The partner organizations of the DPG

The ALVA is a non-profit organization that promotes research activities and studies in the fields of agriculture, food, nutrition and veterinary medicine, as well as the application of the resulting findings in teaching and consulting.
The ALVA conference takes place every year, at which research results on current specialist topics are presented and discussed. Participants from public bodies as well as from other scientific institutions or companies come together for an intensive exchange of expertise.
DPG and ALVA exchange their scientific information, encourage their own members to attend the conferences of the other society and check that the members of the other society are taken into account when planning international conferences.

...was founded in 1996 and continued the activities of the Plant Protection Section, which had been part of the Czech Agricultural Society for more than 30 years. It works in the field of plant health and brings together natural and legal persons involved in plant health and environmental protection in the areas of plant cultivation, research, education, state supervision and services. The society is a member of the Czech Union of Scientific and Technical Societies.
The DPG and CSR exchange scientific information, encourage their own members to attend each other's conferences and consider the inclusion of members of the other society in the planning of international conferences.

The German Society for General and Applied Entomology unites entomologists working in research and practice, both professionally and by vocation. The society emerged in 1976 from the two long-established associations Deutsche Entomologische Gesellschaft (DEG) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für angewandte Entomologie (DGaE). The Society's mission is to promote knowledge of entomology and research into entomological problems. The society serves to fulfill these tasks by promoting personal connections, the exchange of information and cooperation with full-time and part-time entomologists and with scientific societies in Germany and abroad.
DPG and DGaaE jointly organize the working group “Population Dynamics and Epidemiology of Pathogens” and the conference series “Insect Conferences”.
The DGG organizes the annual horticultural science conference of the DGG and the BHGL. It promotes young scientists and awards research and sponsorship prizes. It represents interests in association, training and research matters and edits the scientific journal 'European Journal of Horticultural Science'. In addition, it is involved in higher-level national and international scientific societies and is a point of contact and advisor in political decision-making processes.
The DGG and the DPG conduct various joint working groups and have agreed reduced membership fees for members of both associations.

The DVFFA promotes research in the fields of forestry and wood science, provides information on research issues and research projects and promotes cooperation between members. It disseminates research results and cooperates with science, practice and politics. It represents the interests of forestry and wood science research as a whole and of individual members vis-à-vis the public, authorities and similar bodies. It represents the interests of forestry and wood science research as a whole as well as those of its individual members vis-à-vis the public, authorities and similar agencies of the federal and state governments in the Federal Republic of Germany, other associations, societies or corporations with corresponding tasks in Germany and abroad and participates in organizational and other specialist issues in research and teaching.
The DPG and the DVFFA jointly organize the working group "Forest protection”.

The Society for Plant Breeding was founded in Göttingen in 1991. It emerged as a scientific forum for plant breeding after the reunification of Germany from a working group of the Society for Plant Breeding Sciences and a corresponding association in the former GDR. Its members are scientists and those active in the scientific fields of breeding research and the seed breeding industry in the German-speaking world, and the Society for Plant Breeding organizes a scientific congress every two years at different locations. At regular intervals, it invites participants to a general discussion and demonstration of scientific work in 19 different working groups. These meetings are equally dedicated to methodological questions, e.g. from biometrics and bio-informatics, breeding theory, cytogenetics, biotechnology and genome analysis, disease resistance, performance and stress physiology, as well as specific object problems, e.g. in cereals, maize, beets, potatoes, oilseeds, forage plants and grasses, vegetables, ornamental plants and woody plants. The society awards the Kurt von Rümker Prize to promote young scientists and organizes seminars to train seed breeding technicians. At joint events, it maintains an interdisciplinary exchange with neighboring specialist societies and research institutions, in particular with its “parent society”, the Society for Plant Production Sciences, with which it is also linked by joint working groups, such as the 'Variety and Seed Science' working group and the 'Yield and Stress Physiology' working group.
GPZ and DPG jointly organize the so-called “Fulda Conference” entitled “Disease Control and Resistance Breeding in Cereals, Legumes and Oilseed Rape.”

The German Region of the International Biometric Society (IBS-DR) comprises the members of the International Biometric Society based in the Federal Republic of Germany. Scientists from other countries can also be granted membership of the region on application in agreement with the general advisory board of the Society (Council).
The purpose of the Society and the Region is to promote biometrics in research, teaching and application. The purpose of the statutes is realized in particular by holding scientific colloquia, by supporting scientific working groups and scientific publications.
The DPG organizes the working group "Biometry & Experimental Methods" together with the AG LVW.

The Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) is the Federal Research Institute for Cultivated Plants in Germany and an independent higher federal authority within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection. Its activities focus on healthy and productive crops in agriculture and horticulture, in forests and woodland, in urban areas and in the cultural landscape as a whole. The JKI works at the interface between basic and application-oriented research and the introduction of research results into practice.
The DPG has traditionally been closely associated with the Julius Kühn Institute since 1928. DPG board members from the ranks of the JKI management and staff have played a major role in shaping the orientation of the DPG from an early stage. The JKI is still regularly represented on the board of the DPG. Even today, the DPG's logo still bears the spike snake of the Biologische Reichsanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft. The office of the DPG has been established at the JKI since 2001.
The DPG organizes conferences together with the JKI. Working group leaders are often employees of the JKI.

With over 600 members, the Royal Netherlands Society of Plant Pathology is one of the oldest and most important biological societies in the Netherlands. Since 1891, it has set itself the following goals
- To promote cooperation between people involved in research into plant diseases and pests and the protection of plants against these diseases and pests, and those who are interested in or concerned about these diseases and pests.
- The association is intended to be attractive to all persons working in the field of plant protection in the areas of information, education, industry, trade, plant cultivation and research.
The DPG and KNPV exchange their scientific information, encourage their own members to attend the conferences of the other society and consider taking the members of the other society into account when planning international conferences.

Dutch Circle for Plant Virology
The Dutch Circle for Plant Virology organizes virologists from industry, research institutions and the plant protection services in the Netherlands, which hold their conferences alternately with various foreign specialist societies.
Members of the DPG working group “Virus Diseases of Plants” take part in the Dutch annual meetings, just as the German meetings are open to interested parties from the neighboring country.

The Austrian Working Group for integrated plant protection is an association under public law and is subject to the applicable legal regulations. Membership is voluntary. The working group was founded on February 17, 1959 and represents an association of people interested in plant protection.
The primary purpose of the “Austrian Working Group for integrated plant protection” is to carry out scientific research and adult education in the field of integrated plant protection. Furthermore, all activities of the association shall serve the dissemination of the idea of integrated pest management, as well as of already defined measures and research results thereof, in the interest of agricultural, forestry and horticultural production by supporting all corresponding efforts to protect crops from harmful organisms in Austria.
The association is not profit-oriented.

The Slovak Plant Medicine Society was founded on 9 May 2000. The Society is a professional association of Slovak citizens. It brings together natural persons and legal entities that are professionally engaged in the care of the health of mainly cultivated plants and their products, but also the health of other flora within the environment, in the sphere of research, education in the field of plant protection, as well as growers, other land users and others who show interest in this activity.
DPG and SRS exchange their scientific information, encourage their own members to attend the conferences of the other society and examine the consideration of members of the other society in the planning of international conferences.

The association represents the general idealistic and economic interests of all medicinal and aromatic plant producers vis-à-vis authorities and institutions.
It promotes the development and dissemination of scientific knowledge about medicinal, spice, aromatic and coloring plants.
The DPG represents the plant protection aspects at the traditional Bernburg Winter Seminar.
Umbrella organizations of the DPG

ATSAF is a scientific society for internationally oriented agricultural and ecosystem research in Germany.
ATSAF brings together scientists and development experts from the fields of agricultural sciences, ecology, veterinary medicine, nutrition, forestry, fisheries and other basic disciplines with a focus on development-oriented research for countries in the tropics, subtropics and transition regions
ATSAF informs, promotes multidisciplinary research, networks members with cooperation partners, increases public awareness, intensifies communication, takes a stand and creates identity for all those interested in these issues, especially students and young scientists.
ATSAF actively supports the yearly Tropentag, supports students interested in science journalism, awards congress travel grants, initiates expert discussions, and forms competence teams.

The DAF promotes research in the field of “green science”, provides scientific information, provides scientific policy advice and promotes opinion-forming through scientific contributions, interdisciplinary conferences and expert colloquia on outstanding current problems. It supports research projects with an interdisciplinary approach and prepares scientific statements.
DAF publishes the “agrarspectrum” series of publications (since 1981) to provide information on the results of interdisciplinary scientific events organized by the umbrella organization, and the “Forschungsberichte” series of publications (since 1988) to provide information on the results of the umbrella organization's own research.

The IUBS is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation, established in 1919. Its objectives are: to promote the study of biological science, to initiate, facilitate and coordinate research and other scientific activities necessitating international, interdisciplinary cooperation, to ensure the discussion and dissemination of the results of cooperative research, particularly in connection with IUBS scientific programmes, and to support the organisation of international conferences and assist in the publication of their reports.
The German National Committee of the IUBS is a scientific organization that advocates for German biologists internationally. It is integrated into an international hierarchy and speaks on behalf of its members, which are currently 41 scientific societies. The elected board represents the scientific and science policy interests of biologists.

EPSO is an independent academic organisation that represents more than 220 research institutes, departments and universities from 31 countries in Europe and beyond. EPSO's mission is to improve the impact and visibility of plant science in Europe.

The purpose of the International Society for Plant Pathology (ISPP) is to promote the worldwide development of plant pathology, and the dissemination of knowledge about plant diseases and plant health management. The Society sponsors the International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP) at regular intervals and other international meetings on plant pathology and closely related subjects. The Society establishes committees to consider and report on special fields or problems in plant pathology. The Society organizes other activities including the publication of journals and newsletters, websites, as approved by the Executive Committee.

- Provide for the organization, management and oversight of the International Plant Protection Congresses (IPPCs) as major international fora for integrating and disseminating crop protection information and technology.
- Solicit individual, affiliate, associate, and corporate members of IAPPS as a means to effect programmatic integration within the plant protection sciences and to enhance communication among plant protection scientists.

The EFPP promotes scientific and technical cooperation in the arena of plant health in Europe and facilitates the exchange of scientific information between plant pathologists who are members of national or regional Societies in the field of plant pathology or related fields.
The European Foundation for Plant Pathology offers:
- Easy access to the national Societies of plant pathology (in Europe)
- Subscription at a reduced membership rate to the European Journal of Plant Pathology
- An EFPP Conference every three years
2-5 June, 2025 | Uppsala, Sweden
The supporting members of the DPG
We would like to thank the following sponsoring members for their support of the work of the DPG:
Agrotop GmbH
Bayer AG
DowAgroSciences GmbH
DuPont Production Agriscience Deutschland GmbH
Industrieverband Agrar (IVA)
International Biocontrol Manufactures Association (IBMA)
Neudorff GmbH KG
Spiess-urania Chemicals
Syngenta Agro GmbH
The funding amount is 10 times the contribution of an ordinary member or 100 times, currently a total of 12,000 euros per year. In addition, there is support for activities by young talent on special application (up to a further 5,000 euros per year) or support for the printing of publications (up to 5,000 euros every three years).