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Young Talent Award

The Deutsche Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft e.V. (DPG) donates the “Young Talent Award”. At its 175th meeting on June 6, 2013 in Braunschweig, the DPG executive board drew up and approved the statutes for this prize:


  • The prize is awarded by the executive board of the DPG to persons with special scientific achievements in master's or doctoral theses in the field of plant protection.
  • The award consists of a certificate, which briefly states the reason for the award, and a sum of money in the amount of 500 euros.
  • The award can be presented once a year by the DPG executive committee.
  • The members of the DPG are entitled to nominate candidates.
  • The executive board of the DPG announces the recipient of the award in the DPG bulletin “Phytomedicine” and on the society's website.
  • The decisions of the executive committee are made by simple majority. The decision can be made in writing. Minutes are to be taken. Legal recourse is excluded.
  • Changes to the statutes are decided by the executive board with a simple majority and communicated to the members.
  • The awarding of the medal will be discontinued if the DPG is dissolved.

Holders of the Young Talent Award

2024: Dr. Lukas ROLLWAGE
2023: Dr. Linda MUSKAT
2023: Dr. Alex WEGENER
2022: Dr. Yao WANG
2021: Dr. Mascha HOFFMEISTER
2020: Dr. Iris EISERMANN
2019: Dr. Matheus Thomas KUSKA
2018: Dr. Alexandra MATEI
2017: Dr. Pamella Akoth OGADA
2016: Dr. Sebastian LIEBE